Meet Your Principals
Message from Principal Laura Quane
Welcome students and families to the 2023-24 school year! At William Green, students learn and grow to their fullest potential with the support of our dedicated teachers and staff. We strive for academic excellence, inclusivity, and a growth mindset while ensuring that our campus is safe and inviting for all students. We understand that we are all capable of making a difference in our world, the Eagle Way! Our students follow our SOAR motto: S-Stay Safe, O-Own Actions, A-Act with kindness, so we are R-Ready to learn.
We are excited to partner with families and caregivers this year to enhance the overall school experience for all of our Eagles. Your voice matters! Please consider joining our various parent advisory committees, such as PTA, School Site Council, and our English Language Advisory Committee. With parents as partners and decision-makers, we look forward to celebrating the successes of our students this year while immersing ourselves in the beautiful diversity of our school community.
Principal Laura Quane
Laura Quane is the Principal at William Green Elementary School. Mrs. Quane is a Long Beach State graduate, where she received both her undergraduate and Masters in Education. She has spent 15 years serving LESD as a teacher in both elementary and middle school, site and district teacher on special assignment (TOSA), and was previously the assistant principal at Billy Mitchell Elementary School. Mrs. Quane is also a product of the Lawndale Elementary School District, having attended Mark Twain Elementary School in primary grades.
It is Mrs. Quane’s mission to see that all Lawndale students are afforded the same opportunities as she was, and grow to serve in leadership positions throughout the community. Her experience, both as a Lawndale student and employee, has enabled her to gain a unique perspective on identifying the needs of Lawndale students and their families. Mrs. Quane is committed to supporting a learning environment where students are safe, valued, and challenged to reach their full potential.
You are welcome to contact her at if you have any questions or would like to learn how to get involved in supporting Green Elementary School.
Interim Assistant Principal Rick Barclay Jr.
Rick has 7 yrs as a middle school math/science teacher and ASB director and 12 yrs in education serving as Assistant Principal and Principal in all grade levels K-12. He has a bachelor of science in Earth Science from The Pennsylvania State University and received his Masters from California State University Northridge. Rick began an afterschool 6th grade math academy at the middle school in Oak Park, California, to keep students in pace with the current classroom curriculum and began an extensive afterschool program at Culver City Middle School (CCMS), which included programs for students suffering from social isolation to boost their self-confidence. He also began Latino Family Literacy Nights and brought a movie/scriptwriting program to school specifically designed for ELD students to help with language development. As principal at a German immersion school, he began the process of bringing a Spanish immersion program to the school. Rick looks forward to serving our Green family and bringing his wealth of experience and knowledge to his role.